Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Terry Richardson's War on Women


Read my article about Terry Richardson and the fashion industry's inherent hatefulness towards women on

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

An LSAT Problem for Bill de Blasio

A basic LSAT problem for Mayor Bill de Blasio:
Studies show that children who attend Pre-K receive better grades later in life and earn more money in their lifetimes. Therefore it can be concluded that attending Pre-K leads to a better life.
Question: What is the flaw in the author's (and the mayor's) argument?
Answer: The author (and the mayor) are confusing correlation with causation. In fact, multiple studies have shown that the degree of seriousness a student & his or her family takes his or her education is the number one factor in determining later success. And in fact, it follows that parents who put their kid in Pre-K do care more about their child's education. So since giving every child free Pre-K won't make them or their parents care more about their education, (just as sending kids to school for free didn't make them care about education or get better grades) providing free Pre-K will not improve the grades or overall well-being of anyone, except the mayor. Lawyered. (Sorry, Willy, it's basic logic.)